Monday 8 June 2015

Book Review: The Freemind Experience by Tom Fortes Mayer

Book review of The Freemind Experience

This is a bit of a first for me. I've always had trouble switching off from things. I'm a thinker and a worrier in equal measure. I'm also terminally unlucky, particularly with health and my career goals. As a vegan I think it's very easy to, subconsciously, build up a resentment towards others, and society as a whole, for not acknowledging, and often ignoring, the suffering and pain we inflict upon other species on such a huge scale. For me this sometimes results in a feeling of negativity that is hard to shift and can really impact my mood and ability to look at life through a positive lens. Weirdly, when I spotted the opportunity to review The Freemind Experience*, it suddenly really appealed to me, despite me having never really read anything like it before (I'm a Game of Thrones and Tolkien girl). I was really interested by it. So here's what I thought of it..

Tom Fortes Mayer is a professional hypnotherapist and events organiser who is on a quest to show us all what true happiness is and how to achieve it. He wants us to identify and recognise the barriers we put up and embrace the fact that we are all perfect in our own way. Mayer uses a combination of science, practical exercises, case studies and personal recollections in order to demonstrate how his 3 pillars work...

1) Peace (emotional intelligence and deprogramming fear)
2) Power (Success psychology)
3) Purpose (Unconditional love)

Mayer has been through the ringer of life, himself. No spoilers, but the journey that lead him to write the book is extremely intriguing to read and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of some of the things he experienced. It is obvious from his writing that he is truly passionate about what he does and this, no doubt, is of great benefit to his clients. His tone throughout the book is warm and his writing is easy to understand. 

I experienced several realisations whilst reading this book, particularly with regard to pillar 1. We really can hold ourselves back without knowing it; clinging on to bad experiences or subconscious beliefs about ourselves and others in our lives. With this book Mayer forces us to acknowledge these fears and gives us psychological tools and online resources to go about neutralising them and moving forward. There were a couple of times during the earlier sections of the book that I felt like I was reading a parenting manual, but that's the only slight grumble I have. I completely understand why everything in the book was included. Again, I'm not used to this type of literature. 

I'm not going to get too reflective and personal with you now, but this book really did help me to recognise why some things in my life have gone the way they have and how harbouring resentments is not productive; practically or psychologically. I know that, by being vegan, I'm doing the very best I can for myself, the animals and for the planet and that is an amazingly positive thing that I should be proud of. Others will catch up in time and, even if they don't, that isn't a reflection on me.

In all, I found this book both engaging and transformational and it has provided me with tools which I know will improve my outlook and my way of thinking. For this mindfulness first-timer it has been an insightful introduction into my own potential with lessons that I know I will use in the future.

You can purchase The Freemind Experience on

*Post Contains Affiliate Links


  1. A great review, so glad to hear it helped you :)

    1. Glad you liked it Lyndsey! It was definitely an inspiring read :)
